It costs 120,000 won for a year and 70,000 won for 6 months. 80~90% of the total amount for hospital medication bills will be compensated (maximum 250,000 won a day).
How to make a student ID
You should submit the application form and photo to the Division of Student Support located on the second floor of the Student Support Center.
How to issue certificates
A certificate of enrollment and a transcript can be issued in the Division of Academic Affairs (C6) located on the first floor of the main hall or at the automatic certificate machine on the first floor of the Student Lounge (C3).
Use of on-campus facilities
There are various convenient facilities in the Student Lounge (C3).
- 1st floor cafeteria, post office, optician's, stationery store, photo studio, bookstore, bakery, beauty shop, convenience store. The menu for the school cafeterias is posted on the University Web site.
- 5th floor : fitness center
관리 담당부서
국제교류지원실 (+82-33-640-2765)
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