Experts who know about multicultural society are needed more than ever in this era of racial, ethnic, and cultural diversification.
The Dept. of Multicultural Studies in Gangneung-Wonju National University was established to respond to these demands by educating students to develop the theory of multiculturalism and the practical foundation systematically and, through doing so, nurture multicultural professionals in Korea. We also cultivate our students to become experts who can devote themselves to the international development fields and actively work overseas.
Through the course we offer, students may have a chance to acquire the level 2 qualification of social worker and level 2 of multicultural society specialist. In addition, they can work in multicultural, immigrant-related government agencies or private institutions, international development cooperation, social welfare-related institutions, and educational welfare-related institutions. Also, they can further continue to study in the graduate program as a researcher related to multiculturalism, immigration, and international development cooperation.
Campus | Wonju Campus | Location | Health and Welfare Hall 3 No.313 (W2- No.313) | Tel | 033-760-8850 | Fax | 033-760-8851 |
Address | (26403) Dept. of Multicultural Studies, College of Health and Welfare, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Namwon-ro 150, Heungeop-myeon, Wonju-si, Gangwon-Do, Korea | Website | https://multiculture.gwnu.ac.kr | multiculture@gwnu.ac.kr |
Name | Field of study | Tel | Lab | |
Ji-Hye Kim | Minority, Human / International Human Rights Law, Youth | 033-760-8853 | Health and Welfare Hall 3 No.308 | jihyekim@gwnu.ac.kr |
Seon-Yeong Yoo | Multicultural Welfare, Multicultural Counseling | 033-760-8852 | Health and Welfare Hall 3 No.307 | syyoo@gwnu.ac.kr |
Woon Lim | English, Social Welfare, Multicultural Education | 033-760-8855 | Health and Welfare Hall 3 No.310 | cloud@gwnu.ac.kr |
Gyu-Chan Kim | Immigration (Multicultural) Policy, Social Policy | 033-760-8856 | Health and Welfare Hall 3 No.306 | gyuchankim@gwnu.ac.kr |
한준성 | 이주평화, 글로벌 난민레짐, 이주노동정치 | 033-760-8858 | Health and Welfare Hall 3 No.309 | babaro79@gwnu.ac.kr |
Honorary Professors
Name | Field of study | Tel | Lab | |
Byeong-Soo Hwang | English Literature, International Welfare | - | - | hwan5827@gwnu.ac.kr |
관리 담당부서
다문화학과 (+82-33-760-8850)
최종수정일 : 2023. 6. 8.